The computer network security landscape in recent times has
become a crucial area in computer networking for both
network administrators and network users such that, a
compromise of this network security makes the services it
provides and more importantly the data it holds, highly
susceptible to exploits by malicious people for different
purposes and reasons. This is particularly so for campus
networks in view of the fact that, they do not only provide
services to promote academic work directly but in many ways
are integrated into the administrative setup of the institutions
they serve. This research therefore seeks to investigate the
security threats and vulnerabilities of campus networks and
systems to a great extent, so as to propose interventions to
resolving these threats, vulnerabilities and exploits, so as to
improve the security of these networks by conducting a
penetration test that simulates Intrusion Detection employing
free and open source software (FOSS) tools. The research
adopted “Cloppert‟s kill chain” Approach to Penetration
Testing. The elements of the simulation included the
following FOSS tools VMware Fusion (Operating System
simulator), Zentyal Server (unified network server), Snort
(Intrusion Detection System), Suricata (Intrusion Prevention
System), Nmap (Network scanning), OpenVAS (Vulnerability
Assessment Software) and Metasploit Framework
(Exploitation tool). Results of the simulation revealed
injection flaws to be the prevalent security vulnerability that
was exploited and hence, discussed to improve computer
network and application security in a rather cost effective