As a result of the tremendous proliferation of sessions at academic conferences, recommending appropriate venues for researchers has become a considerable problem. In this article, the authors propose an innovative recommender algorithm called Recommendation of Venues and Environments Through Social-Awareness (ROVETS). ROVETS seeks to enhance the social awareness of attendees at a smart conference. ROVETS initially employs closeness centrality and Breadth First Search (BFS) to detect potential presenters for a target attendee. Then, the accurate tie strength between the attendees and presenters as well as the degree centrality of the presenters are computed based on similarity of their research interests. Using the computations above, ROVETS generates effective recommendations pertaining to venues for attendees who have high tie strength with presenters. Through a relevant real-world dataset, this article evaluates the proposed recommender algorithm. These experimental results validate that ROVETS exhibits favorable enhancements over other existing state-of-the-art methods.